Saturday 5 April 2014


Masaki Mizuno is a Tokyo based art-director and fashion illustrator. He graduated from Bunka Fashion College and did lectures in Bunka Gakuen University, Bunka Fashion College, Vantan Design Institute, KIDI Parsons from 1998 to 2010.

His work involves the expression of the inner psychology; a self-reflection mirrored through art. In order to express the vision and subject matter of his work, he found that it is important to extract ideas from with in his own perspective and senses.

His mother who was a painter influenced him greatly during his childhood and then he immersed himself drawing illustrations independently while attending a fashion college. After graduating, he spent seven years in exploring pure art; a period of his life that had made a tremendous influence on the way he illustrated fashion today.  In order to relate with the dynamics and changes of our society today, he tried to evolve his work through different elements and ideas; conveying a border-less approach in his work. His interest lays upon using traditional art techniques, abstract idea into something concrete and real. He admires the work of Egon Schiele, Antonio Lopez, Isao Yakima and other artists that were intellectually beyond their time. His solo exhibition in Eros for fashion at the CWC Gallery Tokyo was totally amazing.  

Masaki’s beautiful soft illustrations are all analogue using acrylic and pencil and some airbrush and rollers on arches paper, he creates a parallel universe of beauty, through the contemporary sense of fashion. His art is so unique and never can be replaced by digital technology.

Beautiful girls, chic fashion and a wide use of different materials become his tools for an array of awesome illustrations with abstract detailing, in a world that still needs accreditation for perfection. Masaki’s illustrated pieces have become a cult theme among cultural venues, including major magazine collaborations and distinctive exhibitions.

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