Wednesday 19 February 2014


Sophie Griotto is a fashion illustrator from French who has some very unique illustrations in her portfolio. With a style that mixes fashion illustration and trends, Griootto works freelance on advertising campaigns and frequently illustrates the pages of fashion magazine and sites. 

She attended the school of visual arts when she turned 5years old, and the School of Applied Arts in France where she developed her graphic commutation skills. Since i was a child, she started attending art classes and she wanted to become a painter. She started drawing and painting before she could even write. In 1998, she started working for a parisienne art agency whose budget was primarily focused on beauty and luxury, then she found herself working as a story boarder which involved putting ideas on paper for ad campaigns. Because of this job, she became a fashion illustrator and in 5 years time she had mastered how to draw women from different angles and in different situations. 

She works with more traditional tools like inks and pencils but also with her tablet graphic Wacom. And she works on an illustration much like a fashion designer: mood boards, sketches, selection of fabrics, creation of styles. Most brands she work with use photography, and with these clients her style is rather realistic. She work for Swatch Jewels resonated internationally. Since 2008, she showcased her digraphic canvas at the Galleries Lafayette Maison in Paris. She worked for Dior, Clarins, Wolkswagen, Elle Magazine, Shiseido. She also illustrated a style book “Cultive ton look” and Katie Fforde’s  cover books. 

She loves her job because her art can be applied in different fields, and this is the beauty of it. She enjoy her French touch and great sense of fashion a lot.


Tuesday 11 February 2014

Stina Persson

Stina Persson is a fashion illustrator who’s known for her ability in using watercolours, ink and gouache and creating amazing works of art for popular magazines and brands like Absolut Vodka, Godiva Chocolatier, UNIQLO, DKNY, American Eagle Outfitters, Vogue Nippon, etc. She was born in Sweden in 1972, and has lived and studied in Tokyo, Florence and New York. Today, she lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden.

She has always loved making things, from muffins to art work to ceramics. Then it comes naturally to look at other people’s creations. Her favourite subject to illustrate is faces, women, and letters. And lately more and more organic shapes and patterns. When she was little, she used to draw girls with intricate hats, big smiles and colourful dresses. 

Her fields of work have included literally everything, from skateboard design to shrimp salad packaging and interesting Japanese and New York-based fine art projects.Her incredible watercolour paintings from the collection called perfectly flawed were inspired by getting off of the computer and being less than perfect but really I think that she has achieved a higher level of perfection in her newest collection. Something that you can only find in work completely done by hand, and kept away from the coldness and digital rendering of a computer. Her work is mesmerising and amazingly influenced by the timelessness of the fashion from 60’s and 70’s. When working with ink, she like to use wooden sticks that she pick up from the ground to draw with as they seem to make an interesting line. For colour, she use Doctor Martin’s transparent dyes, acrylics or paper collage.

She likes the beautiful things, the pretty patterns and the creative people. But the sad, anorexic girls, the snobbism and the conglomerate fashion houses she can do without. The goal with her work is making the ugly prettier and the beautiful a little edgier.

Thiri Yadanar@Tiffany